Press Release

Why Your Brand Should Try Luxury Swing Tags

 Swing tags are the tags attached to different products usually printed with the information about the product. Such as size, color, price, brand name & logo, and also instructions on how to use the product. This information can be printed on custom made swing tags. In the United Kingdom, the Kraft swing tags are used as an advertising weapon in the battleground of the promotion. The custom swing tags are the best and help you and your brand in various methods.

Adding a luxury swing tag to your products can be beneficial, even if you are not a high fashion brand. Swing tags are one of the most modest aspects of clothing but they carry so much unseen importance for your brand itself.

Raising up your brand with luxury swing tags will not feel more high-quality only, but also it has many other benefits too.

•          Place Your Brand as High Quality and Credible

•          Luxury Swing Tags Without Sacrificing Durability

•          Access Different Printing and Finishing Effects




Swing tags have been a feature of clothing items. They started off as a practical way to display the price, color or size. Now, they have become an essential element in retail marketing.

An uninformative swing tag can prevent customers from buying it. It is a missed chance to communicate the value of your clothing brand. You want to strengthen your brand as one that’s high quality and swing tags designed with this in mind can be an influential marketing point for consumers.

A swing tag that’s fragile might create an average impression. Board weights are a vital element to achieve the required quality that matches your brand. Feeling a significant swing tag shows integrity.


Customers are more conscious about the impact their buying has on the environment. Staying competitive in the fast-growing fashion industry is necessary and there is nothing more comfortable than a swing tag that creates a sense of high quality and is sustainably sourced.

For past years, the quality of recycled materials has tremendously improved. Grainy and dull paper with rough textures days is gone now. There are other alternatives like bamboo, Kraft paper, agricultural straw and recycled material that are placed now. They all can use a multitude of various finishes, vegetable ink coloring and PMS and CMYK printing techniques to achieve the best results.

If you can have environmentally friendly and FSC certified luxurious swing tags, then why not? Prosperous materials and fascinating textures don't mean unrecyclable plastic.


When you are targeting to establish your products as high-quality in the high street market, you need to be outstanding. You can achieve this with luxury swing tags. Deluxe designs like foiled logos, metallic eyelets and bulbous pins can create a big impact.

Keep away from plastic and traditional rectangular designs and get experimental with these printing and decorative effects.

•          Gilt Edge - Use this effect to apply metallic foil to the edge. Keeping the entire design minimalistic with this pop of penetrating color that can make a persuasive swing tag.

•          Foil Stamping - Express privileged circumstances by bonding metallic foil on your swing tags which creates a rich and vibrant feeling. Copper die can pick up the most elaborate detailing.

•          Eyelets - Create a matched look with this underrated decoration, highlight a color scheme with metallic to praise a foiled logo.

•          Bulbous Pins – There is something special about a swing tag that’s carefully pinned to a clothing’s label using a pin. They can be a large or small addition that’s delicate and understated.

•          Silk Lamination - Achieve a lenient look with a soft to the touch silk laminated swing tag that feels quality when a customer grips it.

•          Embossing and Debossing - Give some texture to your tags by embossing or debossing parts to make a refined but effective result.


Clothing swing tags are the best option for you to communicate with your customers and persuade them to buy your product. By communicating directly with your customers, you will be able to tell them what’s so great about your product and what is so unique about your brand. You should use the clothing tags as a communication channel with your clients, prints contact details, as well as your social media details. This confirms that the swing tags are used as a full marketing potential and take full advantage of the promotion.

Personalize the swing tags that undoubtedly communicate your brand ethics and completely influence the purchasing decision of your customers!

These are just a suggestion for your luxurious printing and decorative swing tag. Now you definitely know why you should try swing tags.


Honour and trust values can be reinforced with effective swing tag designs. This supports the brand and highlights the detail that it is accountable and respect earnest.

Some brands include the meanness free logo on their tag. Folded swing tags are the best for adding further messages about your brand ethics.  For instant, the Bodyshop has a convincing ethical message and ask customers to sign their appeal to fight against animal testing. The brand makes a powerful promotion about its commercial social responsibility, positioning itself as a caring and green brand.


The fashion industry is one of the most important contributors to pollute the plane. Now people are becoming more conscious about the brands they buy and know about their environmental impact. This includes the durability of the clothing used right down to the material of the tag.

Opting for an eco-friendly alternative such as durable papers for custom swing tags and vegetable inks is a step towards reducing the toxic impact on the environment. Taking a step on sustainability ensures a place within the changing industry.



So, you know the importance of swing tags. But you are neglecting the other important business edges that could uplift your brand?

Wabs Print & Packaging feels honored to deliver strong, durable, sturdy, and long-lasting packaging services to a large number of customers in the packaging market. We take your requirements as our command for the producing process. We use the finest quality of cardboard, durable corrugated, and eco-friendly Kraft materials to give a graceful look to your product.

Wabs Print & Packaging providing custom swing tags for each type of product We have created an all-in-one guide that provides everything that you need to know about a fashion-forward finish to your clothing business.

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